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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Movie Review: Hoodwinked

Review by Boy
(age 11)

Hoodwinked is a movie about Little Red Riding Hood. It is animated into clay configurations. (note from Boy’s mother – I kid you not – these are the exact words that Boy said!!) Every character in the movie is up to evil no good, except for Red.

Red (Little Red Riding Hood) – makes and delivers cookies to her Grandma.

Grandma – lies to everyone and pretends to be a loving Grandma when she really wants to live life to the full, the way she did when she was much younger. She skates everywhere and causes avalanches with bombs.

The Wolf - Spies on people to find out information about the stolen cookie recipes.

The Woodcutter – Cuts down trees and makes greenhouse omissions (carbon dioxide) and also crushes cars with the fallen trees.

The Squirrel – Takes photos of everyone and drinks too much caffeine. He runs everywhere and gets into trouble.

The Bunny – Hires people and gets them to steal all the cookie recipes. He makes the recipes himself, sells the cookies and raises money to make his own theme park.

The above characters get together and find the Bunny with the Cookie recipes. The Bunny gets sent to jail and Red, Grandma, Wolf, Woodcutter and Squirrel become friends.

My favorite part of the movie was the whole movie.

The movie is a family comedy, is rated “G” and can be seen again and again.

I rate this movie five out of ten.


Anonymous said...

Hey Boy
That Granny sounds mighty funny! Where did you find the video, I wouldnt mind watching it.

Megan Bayliss said...

Message from Boy to Birdwing: At the video store.

Message from Megan to Birdwind: Try the video store at Edge Hill. It was an overnighter. I couldn't watch it with Boy... because he was laughing so loud, I couldn't hear what was being said!!!!!

I have an inkling that it's going to be the DVD of choice at our wedding. You won't be able to watch it with the kids though Birdwing because you'll be up around the bonfire with all the big people, singing and playing instruments.

Sue Bayliss said...

Well Boy, you've done it again. Good work. Movie sounds great. XXX
(that reminds me of something. See if you can find out what 'XXX' has got to do with beer. It is really interesting. Will give you a hint - when Darren and I visited David and Jill in December last year, we went on a tour of the Brewery. 'XXX' is very special indeed. Mind you, so is 'XXXX'.) X

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