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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Search and Destroy Spelling Bee Mission Achieved.

Today is the 12 month anniversary of a particularly traumatic event in Boy's life. As a result of the trauma, it is also the anniversary of the last time he had contact or conversation with his biological father. Is it any wonder that Boy has been experiencing an over stimulus of emotions and meltdowns leading up to anniversary day!

Although not the last day of attending traditional school, it is a significant day of what school means. The traumatic experience partially occurred at school and goes a long way to explaining why Boy rejects institutionalised learning. Therefore, to honour having made it to a year of forward growth, we are going out to morning tea at a gourmet tea and chocolate shop and step father is taking Boy to EB Games to purchase a new PS2 game.

But, ever on the lookout for that teachable moment and possibility to manipulate some learning material, I carried through on yesterday's Spelling Bee. Boy happily chose 10 "B" words and hid them (all together - he didn't want to hide them in 10 different places) to give them a spell in a place that starts with "B".

We had a quick tally of Aussie related "B" words and Boy came up with quite a few that I had not considered: barbeque and beer were Boy's favourites and he reckons that the words will be said by nightfall and he'll get to test our spelling of the list currently having a spell. Funniest thing is though, as I was processing the list, I spelt one of the words wrong!!!!! This is going to be a hoot when Boy catches us saying an Aussiecentric "B" word and tests our spelling of his compiled list. Like a radar searching for enemy planes, Boy is on a search and destroy mission to catch us saying one of the discussed words.

I am glad to report no meltdowns or anxiety and that Boy had a decent nights sleep. I on the other hand am now aware of why I coped so poorly yesterday. I have a very sore throat, ear ache and headache. I am grateful that the most stressful thing on my plate today will be choosing which hand made gourmet treat to choose. Chocolate. soothes many life difficulties!

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

And now it's Theobroma time!

But seriously, isn't it wonderful that our guys let you start again the next day?

This blog is no longer kept. I am instead blogging only to Imaginif Child Protection became Serious Business