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Monday, November 20, 2006

Educating our Child with Aspergers.

Are we doing the right thing in considering home schooling? Our son has Aspergers, struggles in the classroom and has more days at home than at traditional school. We greatly value education AND our son. How do we combine our two core values, stay sane, earn an income and produce a child who can function in a world that views him as different?We have previously considered home schooling but have quickly dismissed it as unworkable for us. As our son's anxieties and difficulties with traditional classroom learning have increased, our views on home schooling being unworkable have decreased.

Armed with a plethora of knowledge about Aspergers and Home Schooling, our decision is that he will be home schooled from next year. I will school him in the mornings and work from home in the afternoons. We will use a combination of core subjects and natural learning principles with a rich task focus on emotional resilience and social coping.

I intend to use this blog as a home school diary of what we are learning and doing, as a way to share what is working for us and as a forum for talking with other parents who are home schooling children with Aspergers. My reasons may be cathartic and selfish but I am concerned that so many parents of children with Aspergers complain of isolation and a lack of support. I want to indent upon that isolation; to make the world an easier and more supportive place for all of us.

I am happy to provide lesson plan information about Australia (this linked one, I guest blogged to an American home schooling channel) if your home schooled children are interested. If you are of a like mind, I would love to hear from you.

Life with a child who has Aspergers is only hard if we make it hard. We are learning to under whelm ourselves and not to sweat the small stuff. This change in attitude has made life easier for our son and certainly, better for us too.

I look forward to sharing with you.

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