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Friday, January 12, 2007

Children’s Art: FREE Lesson Activity Book (4 – 10 years).

The Queensland Art Gallery has officially opened a new Art Centre for Children. What a shame we don’t live in Brisbane because I’d be there everyday as part of our home schooling curriculum and lesson plans!

The largest ever Kids’ Asia Pacific Triennial launched the Art Centre for Children on December 2 2006. As part of their launch package they provided children with a FREE Lesson Activity book featuring Scoots the green turtle. The book arrived too late for us to use in our study of marine life (Boy could have checked his Turtle Facts against the information) but I thought I would post it here to share with you.

Always on the look out for novel ideas to include in our home school day, I particularly like that the Art Centre for Children encourages children’s participation in collaborative story telling, tattooing, manuscript drawing and creating electronic music.

For a child with Asperger’s, who HATES school, these interactive ways of learning suit Boy perfectly because they are fun, not really academic at all. Or so he thinks! Although we cannot visit the Art Centre for Children until next we are in Brisbane, I could practice what I preach and really get Boy into the collaborative Art of Storytelling.

Again inspired by story telling as art, I’m going to ask boy to write a short creative story about a rainforest (our next unit of study) and we’ll act it out at our impending wedding (I’m marrying Boy’s step-father, not Boy). How much fun would that be? Have any other home schoolers done anything like this and how did it go?

The Queensland Art Gallery web site has some groovy online art games for kids if you’re interested:
Kusama's World of Dots
The Call of the Wild

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