Youth Week 2007 Met Home School Goals
Major bonus for Boy was actually attending and participating in learning workshops on Drama and body painting. Other participants showed a good deal of interest in Boy being home schooled and how his involvement in the workshops counted toward home school hours. Boy appeared to proudly share the knowledge he had about youth issues and how making a few changes to his life has greatly helped him (Boy has Aspergers).
Evidence of meeting two of our short term goals for home school was delivered when I was least expecting it. Boy was invited to speak publicly about his involvement in the Youth Week activities. He took the microphone and told the audience how much fun he had had. His self esteem healthy and his sense of self comfortable, Boy unknowingly has met the following two goals, without connecting that his fun days were school work related:
· To reduce Boy’s anxiety and to increase his self esteem.
· To reignite an interest in education as a worthwhile activity.
I LOVE home schooling for my child with Aspergers. Youth Week provided us a platform of measurement to observe how significantly Boy has improved since our decision to home school.
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